R/C Settings
V922 Stock (Jan-2014, CH01=TH) Version:0.9b |
Here is how I got my V922 stocked (brushed, bought in Jan-2014) working. Getting the HT8 to get a signal took a while and to find all the servos took much longer. To try this out, remove the main gear or remove the blades - please don't hurt yourself cause all that bad karma is coming my way.
This are my findings for the 2014 V922:
CH01: THR CH02: CYC2 (AIL) CH03: CYC1 (ELE) CH04: Rud (remember it can only rotate the tail clockwise - left stick movement) CH05: (Not assignet yet) CH06: CYC3 (PIT) CH09: R (50%) THR
For hovering (indoors) set SA↑ (up), this will set the CYC1/2/3 mixing rate to 20%, this might be a bit low, since I find myself doing big movements just to hover. For 3D this is 50%, but the throttle and pitch are much more agressive and it has an IDLE at 70%. If you hit this not at mid stick, your heli will take off or slam to the floor, so make you own adjustments first. CHECK the graphs.
Size |
76.03 KB |
Downloads |
2169 |
Created |
2014-02-26 |
Created by |
piotrkundu |
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