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IRIS+ Telemetry Script Version:1.1
(1 vote)

Telemetry script for IRIS+ showing:

  • altitude
  • speed
  • heading
  • battery voltage and current
  • current flight mode
  • number of GPS satellites
  • timer 2 (you can easily change to timer 1 or remove it)


Version 1.1

  • Added display of timer 2. See the comments in drawMode() for info on how to change to timer 1 instead or remove the timer display.


Size 185.51 KB
Downloads 3990
Created 2015-03-15
Created by jenswilly
Changed at 2015-04-21
Modified by jenswilly

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#5 roger 2016-09-11 05:53
It is a great script, however, flight mode text will be messed up if switching between them. I made a little change and fix the issue. Here is some code,

add a variable to save last flight mode

local lastMode = -1

In function, drawMode, clear the text area before writing mode

lcd.drawText( 40, y, " ", MIDSIZE + 0 )
lcd.drawText( x, y, name, MIDSIZE + attr )

in function run( event ), only draw mode when it changes

if lastMode ~= mode then
drawMode( mode )

#4 Jens Willy Johannsen 2015-05-27 14:40
@Brad: nope. Taranis only.
#3 Brad Thaler 2015-05-27 14:28
Will this work with the stock Iris+ transmitter? I believe it is just a rebadged FlySky FS-TH9X.
#2 Jens Willy Johannsen 2015-04-21 08:52
Hi Paul

It should work with other models as well as long as the Taranis receives the same telemetry info. There is nothing IRIS specific in the script.

Does it show the custom telemetry page at all for the other models at all?
#1 Paul Dinardi 2015-03-17 23:48

Great Script, any reason other than naming, this would not work on other Pixhawks other then IRIS? I have the same basic setup on 3 other models, changed the folder name to what they are named in Taranis, but no good, any thoughts?

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