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The Calypso foam glider has two ailerons and two flaps with a conventional tail.  This .eepe has throttle off on SFdown.  SFup mixes in 15% down elevator for climbout and has 3 beeps repeating.  Elevator, aileron, and rudder DR and expo curves are on SA, SD, and SG respectively.  Expos use moderate, symmetrical curves 1, 2 and 3 for high, middle, and low throws and rates.  S1 operates both ailerons together for reflex and camber.  S2 operates both flaps together for spoilers and flaps. 


Size 76.03 KB
Downloads 2438
Created 2013-10-30
Created by edpare
Changed at 2014-04-03
Modified by admin

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#2 carl 2015-07-25 03:13
Quoting carl:
This .eepe file is not the same as the model details

all though modifying it back to the details :-? once I downloaded it helped my learning curve 8)

miss spelled all though
#1 carl 2015-07-25 03:10
This .eepe file is not the same as the model details

atill modifying it back to the details :-? once I downloaded it helped my learning curve 8)

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