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Estrellita EF-1 with S6R receiver Version:1.0
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These are two files that I am currently using to work with a S6R stabilizing receiver in an EF-1 racer.  SA is elevator rate, SB is stabilization on/off, S1 is gain, SD is aileron rate.  It has several race timers and telemetry.  It is still a work in progress.  I have some .bmp files for several EF-1 racers as well.


Size 77.03 KB
Downloads 1641
Created 2017-06-02
Created by gsjames
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#1 Ray 2017-07-10 02:35
Thanks for the nice file on the EF-1 using the S6R. I'm very new to setting up this receiver/flight controller and your file got me past the problem setting gain and flight modes.

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