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Head tracker controlled NAZA Quad Version:1.0
(0 votes)

Fly your quad with your head!  This model config makes use of the very reliable and accurate FS Trinity head tracker (beta) to actually control the quad's yaw, pitch, and roll! Yes you can simply lean, tilt, and turn your head to fly.  Alot of interesting features and tweaks in this Taranis model config.  Additionally there is alot of programming and interaction with an onboard pan/tilt cam as well.

Based my earlier DJI NAZA w/ extras v2.0 config here.




Size 390.25 KB
Downloads 1999
Created 2013-10-21
Created by imagebuff
Changed at 2013-10-21
Modified by imagebuff

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#2 Craig Stephens 2014-10-26 01:15
P.S. I am building a DJI 450 with the Naza controller and this template looks like it might be fun but until then I need the pan/tilt for my fixed wing.
#1 Craig Stephens 2014-10-26 01:11
Chris, can you help me. I am trying to find a template to just operate my Trinity Head Tracker with my Taranis. I have a two axis camera mount and an 8 chanel receiver and am stumped. I have learned how to set up my aircraft with companion and am having great luck there just can't find anything on just the pan/tilt setup. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Tnaks, Craig

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