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Simple KK2 setup Version:1.0
(0 votes)

Simple config for a KK2-based multicopter with A2 main-battery voltage monitoring.

Stabilize/Acro on SD.

SE in middle position will announce battery voltage every 10 seconds.

SE in down position will announce RSSI every 10 seconds.

Expects to have .wav files on the transmitter for "Acro" and "Stabilize".

Configured for a 2S Lipo with a custom voltage divider.  You'll need to set the A2 range and alarms on the telemetry page to match your battery and voltage sensor setup.


Size 77.03 KB
Downloads 2606
Created 2013-08-31
Created by Noircogi
Changed at 2013-08-31
Modified by Noircogi

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#4 Scott 2013-11-16 03:27
If your copter doesn't fly straight and level with neutral trims, you need to do a accelerometer calibration and radio calibration in your flight controller.
#3 Scott 2013-11-16 03:23
The trims are disabled on purpose. In general, you shouldn't be touching your tx trims on pretty much any multi-copter. Use the radio setup up menu and sub-trim adjustments pre-flight to make sure your centers are pure neutral. You will just confuse yourself trying to fix things with the radio trims.
+1 #2 Chris 2013-10-23 13:38
Looks like all of the directional mixes have "noTrim" set which would prevent trim from working.
#1 Nikolai 2013-10-23 10:06
For some reason the trims do not work on this

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