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Arducopter 4S Version:1.1
(3 votes)

Taranis setup for an Arducopter-based multicoper with Analog battery voltage monitoring configured for a 4S set-up.

Normal flight controls are on channels 1-4 as expected.

The 6 flight modes are selected using combinations of SC and SD using Curves 1 and 2 and transmitted on channel 5.  The curves are adjusted so that each of the six possible selections are perfectly centered in the respective range on the APM. Custom switches 1-6 are used to drive custom function 2-7 to announce the flight mode as it's selected.  I used the AT&T research TTS web site to generate .wav files for each mode.

S1 is sent to channel 6 for in-flight parameter tuning (this is fantastic, learn to use it if you haven't).

SF is sent on channel 7.  I assign this to return to launch on the APM and also set this as the fail-safe value in the receiver.

Setting SE to the middle position will announce flight battery voltage every 10 seconds.

Setting SE to the down position will announce RSSI value every 10 seconds.

If you're using a different battery or voltage divider setup, just change the range and alarm settings on the telemetry page for A2.

Version 1.1 includes audio .wav files in .zip


Size 330.29 KB
Downloads 3075
Created 2013-08-22
Created by Noircogi
Changed at 2013-08-23
Modified by Noircogi

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#3 Richard Hamilton 2014-11-21 08:47
Hi Guys

I have done the 6 position switch upgrade on my Taranis Plus, could someone please help me with setting up the 6 APM flight modes on the S3 switch please ....

#2 Todd - Las Vegas 2014-01-12 18:00
Thanks for posting the setup, works fantastic on my Delrin Pro Tricopter.
#1 Martin 2013-10-31 08:37
A good setup of the six flight modes. Worked for me with no changes to the six curve values.
I changed the SC switch for upper/lower three to SF (two pos LHS) and also added a 'get out of trouble switch' using SH (momentary) and enabling OpenTX flight mode 1 (second mode)with it. Using MAX as input and an adjusted weight I can get into Stabilize from any other mode while holding the momentary SH.
Thanks for posting your setup.

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