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Race Quad QX7 Version:1.0
(1 vote)

Race Quad - Betaflight 3.2 or better

  • 3 Flight Modes (SA : Self Level/Acro/Race)
  • 3 Throttle Modes (SB : Safety/Normal/Cruise)
  • 3 Selectable rates (SD : Low/Medium/High)
  • 3 Aux Functions (SC : {safety}Nil/Beeper/Video) {Normal}Nil/Nil/Turtle {Cruise}MidThr/LimThr/Turtle )
  • Arm Switch (SF : Disarm/Arm)
  • Activate function (SH : {beeper}Beeper {Video}Video {Safety/Hold}OSD 50% throttle without arm {Acro/Race}0% Throttle)

Everything works in 8 channels (faster frame rate)


All voice alerts set up. (amber pack)


Timer based on ARM time.


Betaflight Telemetry Script.


TAER channel in Betaflight.


Betaflight settings:

  • CLI: set small_angle 180 (arm at any angle)
  • Use Dshot ESC's with Dshot commands (to allow turtle mode and beeps)
  • set beeper_dshot_beacon_tone 1 (if wanting Dshot beeper tones)
  • In configuration: Beeper Configuration - RX_SET
  • In configuration: Other Features: recommended "AIRMODE" "TELEMETRY" "ANTI_GRAVITY" "DYNAMIC_FILTER"
  • In configuration: ensure motor type is DSHOT (150, 300, 600r or 1200)
  • Modes: ARM: AUX1: 1700 - 2100
  • Modes: ANGLE: AUX3: 1300 - 1700
  • Modes: HORIZON: AUX3 1700 - 2100
  • Modes: BEEPER: AUX1 1150 - 1350
  • Modes: FLIP OVER AFTER CRASH: AUX1 1350 - 1850
  • Adjustments: AUX4 900 - 2100 "Rate Profile Selection" "Slot 1" AUX4

Program in desired rates into rates profiles 1, 2 and 3 (normal is 666 degrees per second). Rate profile 1 is low rates, Rate profile 2 is mid rates, Rate profile 3 is high rates.


Cruise mode, throttle adjustment (MidThr/LimThr) based on Aux switch.


Cruise MidThr allows throttle from 0 to 100 but shifts mid throttle point based on S2.  Designed for use with centre sprung throttle.


Cruise LimThr allows linear throttle from 0 to S2 value (great for line of sight testing and ensuring quad does not launch to moon).  Allows beginner to use 4S batteries from the beginning without having to quad too over powered.


Arm will only work when not in Safety (SB not up).  Arm will ALWAYS arm irrespective of throttle position within 0.2s of switching from disarm to arm (pulses throttle channel to 0% throttle for 0.2s to ensure arm works).


When Switching out of safety, you quad will not arm unless arm switch has been in disarm position.


Turtle mode will only activate if engaged when not in safety and quad disarmed.  Arming will enable turtle mode.  Must disarm to return to normal flight.


Volume set to maximum whenever out of safety.  Volume set to S1 value when in safety.


To fly:

  • Ensure all switches up (SB up = safety)
  • Turn on TX
  • Plug battery into quad
  • Switch SF down (disarm)
  • Switch SB to mid (for normal throttle) or down (for cruise throttle)
  • Optional: select flight mode with SA (self level, acro or race)
  • Optional: select rate profile with SD (1, 2 or 3)
  • Optional: if using cruise, select cruise type SC (MidThr/LimThr) and set S2 rate
  • Lower throttle stick (or arm will launch the quad)
  • Switch SF up (arm)

To stop flying:

  • Switch SF down (disarm)
  • Optional: HIGHLY Recommended switch SB up (safety) - prevent accidental re-arm. 

Switching SF down at any time will disarm immediately and stop motors (even in flight).  SF down again and the motors will start in 0.2s and return to throttle level.


Switching SB up at any time will disarm immediately and stop motors (even in flight).  If stopped with SB, SB must be moved again to select a throttle type and SF moved to disarm, then arm.








Size 1.19 KB
Downloads 1751
Created 2018-01-14
Created by ArchmageAU
Changed at 2018-01-14
Modified by ArchmageAU

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#1 rafellah 2018-11-19 20:34

I have tried this model for Taranis x9D. Not working for betaflight 3.5.2. Maybe you can switch Q7 to x9D and more for this model.

Thanks you


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