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APM-Multi.eepe Version:2.0.8
(6 votes)

Setup for APM Copter. 6 flight modes set up on 6 position rotary switch in position S2. SD is set up as: Up = Normal mode, --- = RTL on channel 7, Down = AutoTune on channel 8. Channels 9 and 10 are set up on the left and right sliders for use with a gimbal or other device. S1 is set up for controlling volume of the speaker. Curve 2 is used to place switch S2 right in the middle of each selected range for flight mode selection. Curve 3 and Curve 4 are used to control Channel 7 (RTL) and Channel 8 (AutoTune). Voice alerts match file names from the Amber sound pack.

Make sure you right-click and Save as... image as apm_copter.bmp also, if you are interested in the icon.


Size 77.03 KB
Downloads 4007
Created 2014-08-28
Created by WheresWaldo
Changed at 2014-08-28
Modified by WheresWaldo

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#2 Alex 2014-12-26 19:02
Do you have a version using switches for flight modes rather than the rotary encoder
#1 Myron Wooley 2014-09-28 04:59
Excellent setup. Make sure you have the Amber sound pack installed, and be sure to run the calibration program on your Taranis to activate the multipos switch. :lol:

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