R/C Settings
Walkera QR X350 Pro w/G-2D, telemetry, sounds Version:1.0 |
Basic Taranis setup for the Walkera QR X350 Pro quad. D/R, telemetry, gimbal control. Sounds and model image included (could be improved on...).
I am using the D8R-XP receiver (board removed from the case), S-Bus (CPPM) connection to the FC, and a analog Voltage Sensor on A2. Channels 6 and 8 (gimbal control) are connected from the analog channel pins on the receiver to the gimbal control board
Size |
396.66 KB |
Downloads |
1943 |
Created |
2014-04-13 |
Created by |
Sweetieinsf |
Changed at |
Modified by |


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