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Fixed wing 5 channel, with flaperons, gyro, throttle hold, throttle curves, expo/dual rates, telemetry, voice announcements (sounds Included) Version:2.1
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Fixed wing 5 channel, with flaperons, gyro, throttle hold, throttle curves, expo/dual rates, telemetry, voice announcements (sounds included)

5ChFEG is a fixed wing model implementing:
Channel assignment is TAER, Throttle hold on SF using the safety custom function, throttle curves, flaperons with slow deployment, expo/dual rates, gyro stabilization (Hobbyking Rx3S flashed with open flight stabilizer - google is your friend), telemetry using two FBVS on the analog A1/A2 ports on a D8-XP type Rx to measure total Lipo voltage. Note when flaperons are deployed the mix does not allow the servo to exceed the bound limits thus roll is always on the aircraft centre axis along the fuselage. In the flaperon mix there is also some elevator up to compensate for flap deployment; you need to adjust the elevator compensation to match your aircraft.
CH8 is my gyro channel, the SE switch defines which mode you are using (rate mode, off, hold mode), one can adjust the master gain on each mode using the S2 knob.
CH11 is a separate mix to change elevator position and quickly compensate / rebalance the a/c inflight without using trims because of fuel consumption or because you used a lighter/heavier Lipo and your C.G. has changed, or whatever reason you might have.
CH13 to CH19 are various mix where elevator input is source on a curve. These mix are triggered via RS using the custom switch CSD and then you chose one to add on the two ailerons servo, so that ailerons and elevator work together.CH. CH13 to CH16 the aileron elevator control surface move together, CH17 to CH19 the aileron elevator control surfaces move opposite of each other. I tried CH13 to CH16 in the field and it works, I can hover at much lower speeds without much elevator throw, and I can put the a/c into prop hang easier. My loops are smooth but the loop radius is surprisingly bigger. I also tried CH17 to CH19 mixing where the aileron elevator control surfaces move opposite of each other and I was told that the aircraft can take off with the nose facing the ground. I haven’t tried this mix for real yet (bad weather) but I did try it using Phoenix RC simulator and somewhat it does work.

As I said in previous version of this document I’m naming CH13 to CH19 mix the “taranausarous mix” – you head it here first…!

In Custom functions voice announcements of Lipo voltage repeating every 10 seconds when the voltage is = than a set value. Logs start when your throttle is active (and stop when its deactivated). Logs are located in the LOGS folder on your taranis SD card. Long press on the SH momentary switch resets the timer. There are various voice commands that are triggered with custom functions. The English language Acapela Heather voce for the Taranis is attached in to the zip file as well as additional files used in my voice commands and the model setup file.
Simply paste the sounds files into the “\Sounds\en\” folder on your Taranis.

Note due to a known software bug I also renamed the tada.wav and timer10.wav in my “\SOUNDS\en\SYSTEM\” folder to REN_tada.wav REN_timer10.wav
I believe with OpenTX 2.0 & onwards the issue will be rectified.

Note if your aircraft servo move the control surface in par to the other side it is recommended to reverse the offending servo signal in the limits tab instead of changing the mix. If the roll movement is correct based on stick input but the flaperons move up instead of down, swap servo channels on your rx (don’t forget to reverse both servo signal in the limits tab)

There is also a model setup for Phoenix RC Simulator based on the above setups

5ChFEG_DEV is the same model mix but using I’m Global Variables and flight modes. It’s important to understanding how to use Global Variables and my suggestion is when you understand how the model works then move over using GV’s


Last I also attach my excel spreadsheet that can help you to:
Calculate the channel range of a source using a set weight and offset
Calculate the weight and offset for a desired channel range
What the formulation is behind expo curves and how to create your own custom curve with a linear and an exponential part.


Size 5.96 MB
Downloads 2234
Created 2013-10-02
Created by ckleanth
Changed at 2014-05-21
Modified by ckleanth

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#1 Alex 2013-11-11 16:26
I like the detailed explanation of the how the program works, if only more contributors would follow your lead. :-)

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