R/C Settings
Custom Model Screen Version:0.3 |
A telemetry script to combine switches and inputs with custom names and a bitmap. Values can be represented in text or bars
Configuration with a text file for each model
Unzip the file content in your TELEMETRY folder
Inside the folder SrcMod place the config file and bmp for each model. Use same filename as the model name
See example of config file and adjust to your needs
Use indexed 16 color (4 bit) greyscale bmp for X9 and 2 color (1bit) monochome bmp for X7 radios
Edit 19.02: Fixed bug with gauges when exiting and returning to script screen
Size |
4.9 KB |
Downloads |
1580 |
Created |
2019-01-16 |
Created by |
dga |
Changed at |
2019-03-18 |
Modified by |
dga |


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