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Simple Background Music Player Version:1.1
(2 votes)

This is an updated version of the original Simple Background Music Player from a different author that I found on this website a few months ago.  I downloaded his version, but wanted to customize it and it was not very user friendly.  I did LOTS of research to change it for my needs.


I simplified the script and put variables at the top that are much easier to change.  Also there are comments explaining each line as well as a text file listing the proper lua name of each switch, so it will be easier for you to customize to your liking.


Tested compatible with Opentx 2.0 and 2.1.  Even works with the latest 2.1.7.


It functions like a shuffle.  Every time you flip the switch a different song will play.  I call it music roulette =D  Its pretty cool.  Because when you are flying, you don't have time to pick a song.  Just keep flipping until something you like comes on!


Instructions on modifiying mp3 files to work with Taranis.  
Download & install Audacity - free open source sound editor.
Open Audacity and drag your music file in.

Set Project Rate drop down box to 32kHz at bottom left of audacity window.

Click the drop down arrow to the left of your track (blue lines) and towards the bottom of the list click on 'split stereo to mono' 

To export, click File, Export...

Set Save as type: to other uncompressed files
then click Options... at bottom right
Header: WAV (Microsoft)
Encoding: U-law 

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Size 491.81 KB
Downloads 2775
Created 2016-01-29
Created by powdermnky007
Changed at 2016-01-29
Modified by powdermnky007

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+1 #7 Dan 2017-05-22 14:10
Quoting Shadow128:
Would be awesome if one could leave the switch in play and it auto shuffles to next song, but still have switch to change song if you want.

This would be a great function from this script. But I don't know if it is possible to play a track inside of a lua script?!
SHould be a way to have a input/switch random select next song. I just know nothing about LUA programming and too much on my plate to learn it
#6 Shadow128 2017-05-21 15:48
Would be awesome if one could leave the switch in play and it auto shuffles to next song, but still have switch to change song if you want.
This would be a great function from this script. But I don't know if it is possible to play a track inside of a lua script?!
#5 Justin Whitstine 2017-01-23 14:58
Quoting Riquez:
This is really useful = thanks!

I am wondering if there is a way to modify it slightly so the music will play in order instead of random?
I am comfortable editing the script if you can suggest something.
All the best!

It is definitely possible. I'm sure there are several ways to handle this, but I am not well versed in programming radio lua scripts. It took me several hours to cobble together that simple script. I reviewed the code today and could not think of any way to accomplish this. It would take me at least a full day to figure this out. If you figure this out, please reply back how you did it.
#4 Riquez 2017-01-23 13:55
This is really useful = thanks!

I am wondering if there is a way to modify it slightly so the music will play in order instead of random?
I am comfortable editing the script if you can suggest something.
All the best!
+1 #3 Dan 2016-08-02 01:35
Same function as the one I got, but you got the switch codes much nicer. I think I was using pre 2.0.x LUA cause the script is a bit different wording.

But what I really trying to figure is how to make it shuffle when a song ends without having to switch the switch.
Would be awesome if one could leave the switch in play and it auto shuffles to next song, but still have switch to change song if you want.
#2 Gregg Burger 2016-02-11 21:01
Hey just want to say thanks! Was looking everywhere for a script that works with the latest OpenTX script handling.

Works great thank you!
#1 Justin Whitstine 2016-01-29 15:08
Forgot to mention. This works like a shuffle for all the songs you set up. Just keep flipping the switch until a song you like plays :D

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