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Telemetry Script Manager Version:v1.0
(0 votes)

Demo installation:

-Copy these folders into your /SCRIPT folders

-merge with any existing folders

-create a model myModel in your transmitter

-the included /SCRIPTS/TELEM/telem1.lua will be loaded on model startup

    -this is an adapted version of the DLG luanch height script found on RC-Settings   

    -replace with any other telemN.lua script you like.



-by long pressing PAGE you enter the telemetry screens

-by pressing ENTER you deactivate the code

  -it is unloaded from memory!!

-by pressing ENTER again, it will be loaded again



-place extra telemN.lua files in the TELEM directory

-copy the /SCRIPTS/myModel/telemN.lua in the myModel directory and rename it to /SCRIPTS/myModel/telemN+1.lua

-edit /SCRIPTS/myModel/telemN+1.lua to refer to the correct telemN.lua file in the TELEM directory

  -edit '("/SCRIPTS/TELEM/telem1.lua",true)'

    -replace "telem1.lua" with your own choice

    -decide if /SCRIPTS/myModel/telemN+1.lua needs to be actived at startup by setting the second argument to true or false


Have fun


Size 4.7 KB
Downloads 6071
Created 2015-07-19
Created by L Shems
Changed at 2018-10-17
Modified by L Shems

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