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average altitude readout of thermal /D.S. ciruit Version:1.0
(1 vote)

by nigelsheffield,

This is a function script and will speak the average altitude of each thermal /D.S. ciruit,

It works by getting the bottom height and then the top height then announcing the average number of the 2,

it does this repeatedly for each circuit, so have it on a custom function on a switch to use as you wish.

I have included instructions in the file to change it to meters as it is set up in feet, also there is some filtering which is also marked for you to tune as you wish.


To use it put it in

SCRIPTS/FUNCTIONS and select it from a custom function.


Size 1.16 KB
Downloads 2104
Created 2014-10-08
Created by nigelsheffield
Changed at
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#1 guido ter horst 2015-08-10 10:51
Hi Nigel,

interesting script. But does this imply that you are not flying perfect circles as seen from the wind reference frame?

You need to improve your flying technique :) LOL

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