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DJI Phantom/NAZA Icon Telemetry Script Version:1.0.1
(2 votes)

This is a telemetry script for the DJI Phantom or NAZA, with Battery indicator, GPS/ATTi mode, TX battery, timer, clock, gimbal angle and RSSI signal icons.

Place The 2 folders in taranis folder /SRIPTS - 

Then rename the folder «modelname» to the same as your model’s name. That's it.

Created by NI0X, http://www.kopterforum.de/


Size 169.28 KB
Downloads 5012
Created 2014-09-02
Created by tracebeau
Changed at 2014-09-03
Modified by tracebeau

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+1 #5 Freddy 2016-01-08 22:14
Hi, i have OpenTX 2.1.7 on my taranis, how can i get it to work on this radio with the 2.1.x sw? any ideas?
#4 Mike Kraus 2015-08-01 15:42
this LUA script working on Taranis running OpenTX-2.0.17 LUA version in combination with a NAZE32 and D4R-II, in spite of the title saying its for NAZA, it will work with other flight controllers as long as your using a Frsky telemetry Rx and for reading the LIPO voltage you require a ANALOG FrSky Battery Voltage Sensor (FBVS-01)
#3 Stan 2015-03-16 21:46
is it works with pixhawk?
#2 mike woodward 2014-11-18 18:15
Quoting mike woodward:
how do get the main battery icon to work

I am using a 4s battery do I have to Change something
#1 mike woodward 2014-11-18 05:55
how do get the main battery icon to work

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