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sequence caller Version:1.3
(0 votes)

use switch H to play sounds in a sequence, each time it is pulled next sound file in list is played, long press resets.

1.3 updated to allow changing to logical switches by altering one small line of script.

1.2 updated ready for opentx 2.1 update

1.1 repeats cycle and is layed out different;y using a single line for input of sound files.

can be a function lua or a model lua.

this is without any sound files but with some sound files refered to but 

obviously I dont know what sounds you want to play so you can edit the text file and add/edit the lines to your own sounds , as is the sounds files need to be in sounds/en as usual.

it works as a MODEL script put in scripts/mixes

 Note , it works as a FUNCTION script so. put in scripts/FUNCTIONS


Put it in script/functions or script/mixes, enable function with a SF, or just use from lua page.

I did not fill out all the sounds as I said I don't know what order you would want them in anyway.


if you want to change the switch to thr trim the field id is 90 so change the (99) to (90)




Size 1.19 KB
Downloads 2540
Created 2014-08-16
Created by nigelsheffield
Changed at 2014-10-16
Modified by nigelsheffield

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