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Engine Sound Generator
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Engine Sound Generator [P-51D]

Copy EngSnd.lua file to the SCRIPTS\FUNCTIONS\
*.wav file to the SOUNDS\en\

User need to create Special function "SFx SE- Lua Script EngSnd".
If you turn on "SE-" then script will create SF in SF63.

refer youtube clip for action.



Size 1.1 MB
Downloads 2077
Created 2014-07-16
Created by azure93
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#5 Vincent van Webber 2015-09-16 08:03
Great script. An improvement though would be the the sounds loop. You can hear the loop starting and ending over and over.
#4 Jet 2015-08-25 15:09
I keep getting syntax error. When SE is in the middle position, engsound 3 continuously plays. Throttle has no effect.
#3 Infinity 2014-08-22 09:45
What an excellent idea!
Important info to get it working with openTX 2.0.8: User has to create the SF in the range 1-7, otherwise it won't work, e.g. SF1: SE- LuaScript EngSnd
#2 nigel 2014-07-18 13:46
works on a new model! sounds are a bit stop starty, but clever.
#1 Vertigo 2014-07-18 09:23
Fantastic idea, but it doesnt seem to work.
I created the SF "EngSnd", but when I trigger it, nothing happens. No SF63 is created, no sounds play. Im using 2.0.7

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