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Vario Telemetry screen Version:1.2
(0 votes)

This is my Vario telemetry script:
Left is altimeter, center is vertical speed gauge, and right indicates max and min altitude.

Updated to work on openTX 2.1  Retains Backwards compatability to work on openTX 2.0

To use in Open-TX 2.1.x

You must have set up your sensors or the gauges will all read 0

This script uses Alt and VSpd These names are case sensitive.

1. place the file VarioGau.lua in the SCRIPTS\TELEMETRY folder

2. On the Telemetry setup screen, set one of the screens to script, and select VarioGau from the menu.


3. That's it.  It's a telemetry screen,so long press page from the main screen, and it'll be one of the available telemetry pages.


To use in Open-Tx 2.0.x:

1.Rename to telemX.lua (where X is a number 1 to 7) - ie telem1.lua

2. Make a folder with the same name as the model you want to use it for in the SCRIPTS folder - IE, if the model is called FoxGld, then put it in SCRIPTS/FoxGld

3. That's it.  It's a telemetry screen,so long press page from the main screen, and it'll be one of the available telemetry pages.




Size 2.8 KB
Downloads 3256
Created 2014-07-16
Created by pinkywafer
Changed at 2015-07-13
Modified by pinkywafer

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+1 #5 nigel 2014-09-15 18:07
Thanks jenny, great script! :-)
#4 Thomas P kilduff (tomkfly) 2014-07-17 06:17
The mistake I made was I named it telem0.lua
#3 Jenny Gorton 2014-07-16 23:26
This is a telemetry script, so make a folder with the same name as the model you wish to use this on in the SCRIPTS folder. Copy the lua to that folder and rename it to telemX.lua - REPLACE X with any number 6 or less. ie telem1.lua. The screen is then added to the telemetry screens, so long press page to get at to it
#2 Thomas P kilduff (tomkfly) 2014-07-16 22:51
another Lua noob here :lol:
This is what I did, which brought the clocks up, but it didn't extinguish the info already there.
Select model and scroll through the pages to Custom Scripts page.
scroll to
one of the LUA lines ( I used Lua1) press enter and a new page will open the cursor should be on three dashes. press enter again and a drop down will appear, with a list of available scripts. scroll to the one you want and press enter and the script output will appear.
#1 Alex 2014-07-16 21:09
I am a complete newbie to LUA scripts, how do I acutally run the script once I have placed it on the SD card?


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