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Taranis, 3DR Pixhawk, 7 flight modes, FM sound
(1 vote)

Yet another quadcopter configuration for Taranis transmitter and 3DR Pixhawk FC.


Remark: SC toggle switch has been replaced by momentary (ON-OFF-ON) toggle switch



- SC: 6 sequential flight modes (stab, alt hold, loiter, pos hold, drift, land)*

- SD: Super Simple Mode or choose any other option you like


- SH: reset timer 2

- RS: sound volume


- displaying flight mode on Taranis screen

- sound notification for each flight mode


* for next flight mode push SC up and release

* for previous flight mode pull SC down and release


Size 77.03 KB
Downloads 3521
Created 2014-09-18
Created by marimach77
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