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Automatic cell voltage alarm Version:1.1
(0 votes)

This will set the alarm thresholds dependant on the battery installed, so is useful for models where you may use either a 2 or 3 cell lipo for example

 Updated to work with future releases of Open-TX

extract the AcellV.lua file into the SCRIPTS\MIXES folder on the SD card.  Then any model which you wish to use the script on, select AcellV in the custom script page.

The celdet.wav file should be placed in the SOUNDS\en folder


Inputs are:

A Channel: 1 to 4 - Defaults to 2, and is the A input you wish to use

Play ; 0 or 1.  1: When battery is detected, cell count detected is played audibly

Alarm 1 : The cell voltage (x10) for the low alarm

Alarm 2: The cell voltage (x10) for the critical alarm



VCell: The (avg) cell voltage




Size 42.27 KB
Downloads 2356
Created 2014-08-02
Created by pinkywafer
Changed at 2014-08-26
Modified by pinkywafer

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#3 guido ter horst 2015-02-20 16:16
Sorry, it all seems to work already at startup. I didn't understand a LUA was executed at startup.

Thanks for this usefull utility
#2 guido ter horst 2015-02-20 16:08
Get voice now. Clls detected.

Still, can I run the script on a switch? with auto return??

I just want it to run on all my models at startup automatically :)

#1 guido ter horst 2015-02-20 16:06

I can start the script on the taranis plus, and it gives me the cell voltage (is on A), but nothing is played.

Also, can you run the script automatically at startup of the model?


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